On Sunday 7/31, I meet my good friend Don Henderson (also of The Rome
Georgia Mineral Society) just south of Carrollton, GA at exactly 7:30am. From there, we
traveled South on US 27 to LaGrange, GA. Total drive time from the Rome, GA area was
approximately 2 hours.
We dug for quartz crystal on this day. After a rainy drive down, the rain
held off for us all day. It was good digging weather; cloudy and relatively cool for mid
summer in the South.
The crystals are everywhere at this site! We started slow at first, scouring
the surface of the site for keepers. Recent rains made this a good option. Shortly
thereafter we began the serious work by digging back into a bank. By lunch we had to high grade. Afterwards, some of the
best crystals came as we finished our day.
The quartz crystals at this site range from ¾” to 4” in length.
Some crystals we collected were as big as 2” in diameter. Most of them are clear, and have
a light “frost” on the outside, but not always on all sides. I speculate this is
silica that has bonded to the surface some time after crystallization.
The site is worth the fee of $15 each. Our experience was very favorable.
Having a running steam at the bottom of the hill, very near the site, is an added plus.