McRocks Cookout and Rockswap
Bear Den Campground, Spruce Pine, NC
June 25, 2005
By Mike Streeter

The June 2005 McRocks' Cookout and Rockswap at the Bear Den Campground near Spruce Pine, North Carolina was a fantastic affair. There was plenty of excellent food for all and many rocks and minerals were given away or traded with enthusiasm. I'll let the following pictures tell the story of the great day.

The group talking and trading rocks!

Camping area

Ron Maddox and Randy
Mauritz Cooking

Everett Harrington and
Ron Maddox Cooking

Central give away area

Ron Maddox, Janice Polly and
Carl Mauritz signing in

Bruce Siegfried and Ron Burke

Debra Siegfried's wirewrapping seminar
with Faye Burke

Debra led Lisa Maddox through the wirewrapping process to create the beautiful piece of jewelry shown above. This is Lisa's very first wirewrapping project. Many thanks to Debra for her generosity and way to go Lisa!

Carl Mauritz getting hungry

Ed Mauritz keeping cool

Report continued . . . . . . .

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