The Southeast Federation of Mineralogical Societies' (SFMS) Spring 2006 executive
board meeting was held in Franklin, North Carolina. According to the SFMS constitution and by-laws,
at least two semi-annual meetings of the SFMS' executive board shall be held each year. The location
was a big plus for Chrissy and me because we only live about an hour away from Franklin. Others
traveled from as far away as Mississippi to attend. The purpose of these meetings is to ensure
that the following objectives, for which the SFMS was established, will remain strong.
To bring about a closer association
of Clubs and Societies devoted to the study of Earth Sciences and the practice of Lapidary Arts
and Crafts in the Southeast part of the United States.
To encourage and assist in the formation of
the Clubs and Societies whose intent is to foster an interest in Earth Sciences and recreational
aspects of mineral collecting and the practice of Lapidary Arts and Crafts.
To promote the
educational, scientific, and recreational aspects of the hobby in the subjects of Mineralogy,
Geology, Archaeology, Lapidary Arts, and other subjects related to the various Earth Sciences.
The following pictures that were taken before the start of the meeting should give
you an idea of the cast of kooky characters who help to keep the SFMS and all its good works
moving forward.
Treasurer Ken Anderson, Secretary Betty James,
President Ann Monroe, 1st VP Buddy Shotts
and 2nd VP Steve Heneger
(left to right)
The group gathers and prepares for the meeting.
Steve Heneger
and Buddy Shotts.
Past President Bill Weggener
and Ken Anderson
Parliamentarian David Tuttle (right)
and Constitution and By-Laws
Committee Chairman Red Walker
Ann Monroe
Newsletter Editor Carolyn Daniels,
Betty James and Ken Anderson
Ken Anderson and Betty James
Dixie Mineral Council Field Trip Leader Jim Flora, David Tuttle and Red Walker
Much was accomplished during the lively 3-hour meeting; reports were
made and old and new SFMS issues were discussed and debated. The time, energy and expense expended
by meeting participants is a way of "giving back" to a great hobby. The Gem and Mineral Society of
Franklin did a superb hosting the event; even opening up their terrific downtown museum for all
who wanted to stop by after the meeting.
Click on the following logo for more information about the SFMS.