Petersen Mountain
Washoe County, Nevada
Report by John Cornish
July 2008


Page 2

Another fresh pocket with a big amethyst crystal exposed just to the left of the screwdriver.

With the way cleared, that big ol' amethyst is just waiting for me to come get it!

Ah, that glorious weight!

Lifting the crystal free...

Smoky quartz crystals by the dozens.

Don't forget these too!

A terrific large pocket on the contact. Like playing with Pick-Up-Sticks, move one crystal and another comes loose... fun!

From down low in the pocket, beneath the majority of the crystals, this big fat head sat snuggled in awaiting its turn to come into the sun.

Wonderful examples of freshly collected smoky quartz crystals!

About half-way through the dig, the old scrap dozer on the left was hauled away. It'd died on the hill years ago and was now on its way, sold for its steel value. The D-6 before it came back later and was also used in this years mining.

Another big amethyst just waiting to be collected from another freshly exposed pocket.

Claim owner Jon Johnson on the right and Scott Kleine searching the face for goodies.

Flowers blooming...

A riot of color...

A smile among the thorns...

Report continued . . . . . . .

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