Saturday, June 19th members of the
Flint Rock and Gem Club as well as others from southeast Michigan met at the Wallace Stone Quarry near Bayport, Michigan for a day of rockhounding fun. The temps were in the mid 80s with a nice breeze to help keep us cool.
Minerals to be found at this quarry include quartz, calcite, pyrite, and others, but the one mineral most people search for here is Millerite. Fortunately there was a guy who knew what he was doing, and showed us the right formation to look in for Millerite.
While searching in the first pit I found this fossil replacement made mostly of tiny Quartz crystals (druse), and what I believe are small Calcite crystals.
I also found a heavy Limestone plate with some good Rugose coral specimens showing.
The Millerite at this location is in thin black oily shale deposits where white calcite nodules formed. I only found small micro specimens, but others did find some larger sprays of acicular (needle or wire-like) Millerite crystals.
By around 2:00 PM, I had my fill of dry heat and wind, and made the 1.5 hour drive back home. Thanks to our hosts at the Wallace Stone Quarry for a fun day, and thanks to Bill Wendling for arranging this trip for our club. I'm hoping to make this an annual club trip.