Chloritoid in Schist Price: $65.00 ID Code = Chl-0001
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This choritoid schist was collected in Buncombe County, North Carolina. Chloritoid is a silicate mineral of metamorphic origin. It is an iron magnesium manganese alumino silicate hydroxide with formula: (Fe,Mg,Mn)2Al4Si2O10(OH)4. It occurs as greenish grey to black platy micaceous triclinic crystals and foliated masses. Chloritoid is usually a very tiny mineral that is measured in millimeters so that it is most often only identifiable in thin section. Therefore, the crystal chloritoid masses, up to 3/4" long, may represent some of the largest ever found. The dimensions of the entire specimen are 10-1/2" tall by 8-1/2" wide by 3" thick with a weight of 12-1/2 pounds.